

Braze Alloy Selection Guide for Medium Voltage Contacts

Dr. Wade A. Jensen explores the concept of temper designations and their impact on the properties of metals. Deringer-Ney, a manufacturer of precious metal alloys, uses temper designations to describe the condition of the material and its resulting microstructure and properties.

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Tech Briefs

Temper Designations and Properties

Dr. Wade A. Jensen explores the concept of temper designations and their impact on the properties of metals. Deringer-Ney, a manufacturer of precious metal alloys, uses temper designations to describe the condition of the material and its resulting microstructure and properties.

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Tech Briefs

Alloying and Microstructural Effects on Electrical Conductivity

This article explores the effects of alloying and microstructural factors on electrical conductivity in metals, detailing the role of thermal scattering, alloy scattering, and interface scattering in influencing conductivity levels. By understanding these factors, high-performance alloys can be designed with the desired hardness and conductivity properties to suit specific applications. Deringer-Ney offers a range of noble alloys with customizable properties to cater to specific client needs, enabling them to develop high-quality products tailored for their application requirements.

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Tech Briefs

Hume-Rothery Rules and the Solid Solubility of Binary Systems

The Hume-Rothery rules are a set of guidelines that help predict the solubility and behavior of alloy systems. The rules state that solvent and solute atoms should have similar atomic radii, similar crystal structures, and comparable valencies for maximum solubility. Additionally, the electronegativity difference should approach zero for greater solubility. These rules help engineers design innovative alloys for various applications.

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